The Battleground Series FAQ

We highly suggest that you have at least 100 MB's free hard drive space on your C: drive for the use of Virtual Memory. If you play larger scenarios, you may need to increase this amount. Not having enough virtual memory can cause games to not load, random and campaign scenarios to not be created, and the game just crashing while playing.

Where can I download the updates from, and how do I install them?

When I install the game, the Install Shield reaches almost 100% then stops. I get an error with is_set.dll. What is causing this problem the installation?

My game just freezes up when I start , what can I do?

I start my game and get the message, cannot find file Ctl3dv2.dll, what's wrong?

The boxes at the bottom with the troops have a bunch of symbols instead of letters, what's wrong?

I keep getting GDI failures.

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When I install the game, the Install Shield reaches almost 100% then stops. I get an error with is_set.dll. What is causing this problem the installation?

This error occurs with most ATI Rage cards. There is a conflict between the Install Shield and you video driver. There is an easy work around, however. Go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Performance - Graphics. Lower the Acceleration Rate to Basic and install the game. When the game is installed you can return the acceleration rate to its original position. Your game will run fine and your system will be back to normal.

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My game just freezes up when I start , what can I do?

Make sure that, if you have a new 3D video card that the 3D video acceleration feature is disabled, in the future look for an updated driver from the manufacturer. Also, check and make sure that all your drivers are up to date, for your sound and video card, as well as your CDRom drive.

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I start my game and get the message, cannot find file Ctl3dv2.dll, what's wrong?

That file is located in one of the demos that is included on the CD. Open the Bgademo file, then the Lib file, and it should be in there. Copy that file to your Windows/System directory.

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The boxes at the bottom with the troops have a bunch of symbols instead of letters, what's wrong?

The small fonts for Windows is no longer on your system. Our program immediately defaults to the next available set, and those are those strange symbols. Reinstall Small Fonts onto your system to get the correct lettering.

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I keep getting GDI failures.

The main cause of GDI failures is just not having enough resources available to you in Windows 3.1. The first items to check are the conventional memory available and the extended memory available. Ideally the conventional memory should be around 580k and you should have at least 6k available for extended memory. This can be checked at a DOS prompt by typing MEM.

Another cause of GDI failures is that something else is tying up your resources on your system. This could be an anti-virus program, another memory manager (like QEMM), the System Agent in Microsoft Plus, etc. Make sure that all background programs are disabled, before trying to run the game.

Not having the latest available drivers for your system hardware could cause conflicts, as well. The drivers you are using, if out of date, could be using more resources to perform normal tasks. Always contact the manufacturer of your hardware to see if you have the latest available drivers.

Running our games in 16-bit or 32-bit color uses way too many resources. Make sure that you are running our games in the 256 color display mode.

Sometimes disabling the sound effects, video effects, or background music can save enough resources to have your game run error free. Try turning off these options, and see if you still get the GDI error.

In Age of Sail, you can try running the game with the low memory option, or using the option for 8-bit sound (This is especially important if you are not using a 16-bit sound card).

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Where can I download the updates from, and how do I install them?

Download the updates and save them to the directories in which you put the games. Note that these are for the UK versions only.

Version 1.05 for the UK version of Age of Sail (5/97)

Version 1.12 for the UK edition of Antietam (4/98)

Version 1.34 for the UK edition of Ardennes (6/97)

Version 1.02 for the UK edition of Bull Run (2/98)

Version 1.34 for the UK edition of Gettysburg, for all owners of the UK versions (2/98)

Version 1.03 for the UK version of Napoleon in Russia (2/98) (478 KB)

Version 1.04 for the UK version of Prelude to Waterloo (2/98) (590 KB)

Version 1.12 for the UK edition of Shiloh (2/98)

Version 1.14 for the UK edition of Waterloo (2/98) (4.47 MB)